Is It Okay to Text Your Ex after Divorce? It Depends Some people choose to remain close after they divorce their spouse—after all, the divorce was fairly amicable and both parties are on good terms so is there really any harm in staying in touch with your ex? If you…
When It’s Someone Else’s Child Whether or not you should call DCFS as soon as possible will depend on your situation. If you have good reason to believe that a child is experiencing abuse and/or neglect, and the child is not your child, contacting DCFS is not necessarily a bad…
What happens if you’re not the father? You may be wondering what your legal rights are, or if you have any in the first place. Though paternity tests are straightforward, it can bring on some complicated obligations and responsibilities. If you have doubts about whether or not you are the…
“Do I Need a Lawyer to Get a Divorce?” If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, you may be wondering whether or not you actually need to hire a family law attorney to have your divorce finalized. While there isn’t a law that says you need an attorney, there…
Are they cheating or am I paranoid? If you’re dealing with a relationship where there’s a lot of gaslighting and suspicious behavior, you may be asking yourself that question. Can You Sense If Someone Is Cheating on You? If you know your partner well, you will probably notice when something…
Our society has built up a harmful stigma around divorced people. Even though 50% of marriages end in divorce, we still stigmatize those who end up getting a divorce. Because of this, it can be difficult for those who have gotten divorced to reflect on what caused the divorce and…
Let’s say you cheated: can your wife sue you for cheating? Well, like everything in the legal world, the answer is that it’s complicated. If you’re wondering, “ Can your wife sue you for cheating ?” don’t stop reading! We may have some answers. Can a Wife Sue Her Husband…
Even if it’s legal, it may not be a good idea. Is It Illegal to Date before Divorce Is Final? The short answer is maybe. It really depends on where you’re located. There are still some states where adultery is illegal. However, it should be noted that, just because adultery…
Though it’s more commonly, “ My wife hates it when I play video games ,” there are many non-gamer husbands out there who don’t like it when their wife—or husband—is glued to a video game. If you’re in the situation, regardless of your genders, there is hope for peace and…
“ My husband is always playing video games !” is not an unheard of complaint, especially in 2024. If your husband is always playing video games and it’s beginning to damage your marriage, there’s still hope. When couples work together to overcome their differences, anything is possible. If your husband…