Getting a divorce isn’t easy. Due to its time-consuming nature and its ability to completely emotionally tax the entire family, many couples decide to wait until after the holiday season to file for divorce. If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, you likely know that the divorce isn’t going to be easy for the children. If you’ve decided to wait until after the holiday season to divorce, use these tips to make sure that your children have a peaceful Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Make an Agreement with Your Spouse
If you know that you’re getting divorced after the holidays, make an agreement with your spouse that you’re going to have a fight-free Thanksgiving. The holiday season is supposed to be a magical time of the year for children, and you do not want your children to remember the last Thanksgiving they had together as the worst one ever. Here it should be noted that young children tend to have an uncanny ability to sense tension between their parents, even if the parents weren’t fighting in front of the child. If you’re getting divorced, a fight-free Thanksgiving may be easier said than done. However, it’s a goal that’s definitely worth striving for.
Prioritize You
Both you and your spouse are going to have an easier time with a fight-free Thanksgiving if you both prioritize your self-care. When you’re making the agreement with your spouse, tell them what you need to do in order to maintain your mental health. You will likely need to ask for their help in ensuring that you have the time to care for yourself. In return, you will likely have to watch the children and tend to the house while your spouse is practicing self-care for themselves. Recharging your mental batteries and allowing your ex to recharge their mental batteries will likely make all the difference during the holiday season. This is the time of the year where you may need to be the bigger person, even when it’s really difficult to do so. Having your batteries recharged will hopefully give you the strength to endure.
Prepare Ahead
If you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner at your home, this may be the year you want to plan ahead and do some meal prepping. Choose mostly dishes that can be made with minimal effort and dishes that can be made ahead of time. Few things cause more stress than being expected to cook an entire Thanksgiving feast for a bunch of family members. You can cut down on the stress by preparing some of the side dishes a head of time. Choosing side dishes like instant mashed potatoes and stove top stuffing can also help you avoid unnecessary stress and tension.
Prioritize the Immediate Family
Putting up with extended family members during the divorce process can cause a lot of pressure, especially during the holiday season. Instead of hosting a big gathering with all your in-laws and extended family members, this may be the year to prioritize your immediate family. Many children cherish memories of their family before the divorce. Having one last holiday together will mean a lot to your children. If having a Thanksgiving celebration with just your immediate family will make things less stressful, then you may decide to go with that option, especially if it will help you keep the magic in the holiday season.
Begin Downsizing—If You Have Time
If there’s extra time, you may want to begin downsizing. During the divorce process, many couples choose to sell their homes. This is because it’s often not financially feasible for one party to own the home and the other party to buy them out. Usually, downsizing can help those selling their homes get extra cash and feel less stressed during the divorce process. When it comes time to put your home on the market, you’ll likely be happy you did some downsizing before you listed your home.
When You’re Filing for Divorce
When you’re about ready to file for divorce, don’t wait to consult with an attorney you trust. Simply going to a consultation can help you get the information you need to make educated decisions about your divorce process. At CoilLaw, our experienced attorneys are dedicated to fighting for your rights and helping you achieve the best outcome possible. Do not wait until you’re far along the divorce process to get quality legal advice. Contact CoilLaw today to get started with your initial consultation. Divorce is difficult, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.