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The Utah Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) is the state agency responsible for investigating claims of abuse and neglect against children. In Utah, DCFS has considerable legal authority. For parents, facing a preliminary visit or an active investigation from DCFS is always deeply stressful. If this agency is getting involved with your family, you need to be ready to take action to protect your rights.  

At CoilLaw, LLC, our Provo DCFS actions attorneys have significant experience handling complex cases within Utah’s family court system. Regardless of the specific nature of your case, we are prepared to take action to protect your parental rights and to help keep your family together. For a strictly confidential family law consultation, please contact our law firm today.

What You Should Know About DCFS Actions in Provo

One of the core purposes of the Utah Division of Child and Family Services is to protect children from abuse and neglect. To carry out this mission, Utah lawmakers have granted the agency considerable investigative power and legal authority. When an allegation or suspicion of child abuse or child neglect is reported in Utah, DCFS will generally be responsible for conducting an investigation of the case.

Any allegation of abuse or neglect of a child will be taken seriously by DCFS. Of course, this is a good thing: children deserve protection. However, there are some potential downsides. Unfortunately, in some cases, false allegations — at times because of mistakes, and other times because malicious lies — are reported to the agency. Reports of abuse or neglect will be followed up on. If DCFS officials believe that abuse or neglect is occurring, then the agency has the legal authority to separate a child from their family.   

How Our Provo DCFS Lawyers Can Protect Your Rights

Even with good intentions, the Division of Child and Family Services can make mistakes — especially if they are basing their investigation off of false information from another party. Parents need to remember that DCFS is a powerful government agency. It is not recommended that you go up against them on your own.

If you are being investigated by Utah DCFS, or if the agency is already initiating action to take your children away from you, it is imperative that you speak to an experienced family lawyer right away. Our Provo DCFS attorneys have the:

  • Skills
  • Tenacity
  • Needed to protect your parental rights

We know how this agency conducts investigations. Further, our attorneys can help you prepare for dealing with DCFS personnel and for interviews with the agency.  

For more information on DCFS actions please download our EBOOK at www.coillaw.com.

Get Help From Our Provo DCFS Lawyers Today

At CoilLaw, LLC, our top-rated Provo family law attorneys have extensive experience representing parents and other interested parties in the full range of DCFS actions. If you have been contacted or visited by representatives of the Utah DCFS, it is time to take action. For more information about how we can help you and your family, please contact our legal team to set up a fully private, no obligation initial consultation.

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