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Jill Coil

What Can a Private Investigator Do?

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What Can a Private Investigator Do?  What Is a Private Investigator?  So, you probably know what a private investigator is: a citizen (as opposed to a public servant) who specializes in gathering information and presenting said information to the client. As previously mentioned, private investigators are not public servants/police officers….

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Can Disabled People Get Married? 

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Can Disabled People Get Married?    Define “Disabled”  People with all sorts of disabilities can get married. Obviously, people who have physical disabilities can get married. But what about people who suffer from intellectual disabilities? Can they legally marry? Many people with conditions that can impact cognition such as autism,…

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Man on a motorcycle doing a trick in the sunlight

The Dangers of Excitement-Seeking

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What It Feels Like  Everyone likes some excitement in life, whether it’s watching a spy-movie with a lot of action and crazy stunts, or it’s going to a restaurant that you’ve never been to and trying a dish you’ve never heard of. But when most people look for excitement to…

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Sad child

Five Types of Emotionally Abusive Behavior in Parents 

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Five Types of Emotionally Abusive Behavior in Parents   Overindulgence  Most people don’t think of overindulgence as abusive behavior. After all, the kid’s getting exactly what they want, it can’t be that bad, right? However, consistent overindulgence is rarely without other problems. When a parent is consistently overindulging a child, the…

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How to Survive and Thrive When Your Marriage Ends

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