How to Keep the Spark Alive
We hear a lot about keeping the spark alive—many people even believe that if they don’t somehow keep this metaphorical spark alive, their marriage will end as soon as their spouse gets bored. While it’s important for married people to feel comfortable and secure in their relationships, it’s also important for them to remember not to take their spouse for granted, as that really can mark the beginning of the end. If you’re married, it’s important to consistently put effort into showing your spouse that you appreciate them, and are thinking of them. And it all starts with intentionally setting aside time to show them that you love them.
Keep Dating Each Other
Dating your spouse ought to be a priority—and no, watching Netflix together for the fifth night in a row isn’t considered a date. Keeping the spark alive means putting intentional effort into creating a date that shows your partner that you still care and are actively trying to sweep them off their feet. Intentional effort doesn’t have to mean spending a lot of money on a date. Instead, of spending a lot of money, you can put effort into a date by setting aside time to take your spouse out for ice cream. The point is that you and your spouse schedule time to do fun activities together, and that you prioritize spending that time with your spouse.
Go on a Road Trip
Going on a road trip is a great way to spice things up. You don’t have to go anywhere fancy or spend a lot of money travelling out of state either. Sometimes, it’s just nice to get away from the house that you have to maintain, and the food that you have to prepare. Even just going on a weekend road trip to the middle of nowhere can be a new adventure and a much needed break from the more tedious parts of every day life. Not only can going on a road trip spice up your relationship, it can also spice up your conversations. Planning out new adventures and going over memories of vacations can help bring new things to discuss.
Try New Things Together
Many couples fall into a routine of doing the same things over and over again. While it’s fun to have traditions, it’s easy to fall into a routine where you and your spouse have gone on a Netflix binge for the past eight dates. Trying new things can help keep the spark alive. Whether it’s getting a new board game, trying a new hobby, or cooking a new meal together, doing something that you’ve never done before (or haven’t done in a while) can be a source of excitement and fulfillment. Even if you haven’t gone out to a dive restaurant in a really long time, going on a date to the family owned burger restaurant can help keep things fun, exciting, and interesting.
Don’t Take Your Spouse for Granted
Taking your spouse for granted can eventually lead to divorce. People often get comfortable in their marriages, reasoning that their spouse will always be there for them. While your spouse did vow to love you for better or for worse, that doesn’t mean that you no longer have to put effort into showing them how much you love them or appreciate them. Social media is unfortunately making it very difficult for people to be happy with what they’ve got. After all, who could have possibly predicted that watching everyone else’s highlight reel can make ordinary life feel a little lackluster?
Do Things Just Because
No matter how long you and your partner have been together, don’t ever stop doing things just because. Getting your spouse flowers, writing love notes, or making their favorite meal are all good ways to show your spouse that you appreciate them and care about them. With all the chaos that’s going on in life, it’s not surprising that people get wrapped up in work, school, or hobbies. However, if you begin prioritizing work, school, or hobbies over your spouse, you’re certainly not headed for a happy marriage. Prioritize doing things for your spouse just because, without any expectation of getting something in return.
When You’re Considering Divorce
At CoilLaw, we’re divorce professionals, but we’re not pro-divorce. While we’re dedicated to creating educational resources that help those going through divorce, we’re also committed to creating resources that prevent people from going through divorce. Unfortunately, not every marriage is able to be saved. If you’re considering divorce, and you have questions about your legal rights, contact CoilLaw today in order to get started on your initial consultation.