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Divorce can take a significant toll on husbands and fathers. These men commonly share equal concern with their spouses over what will happen to their children, how custody will work, if they will be able to see their children regularly, or how their finances will be impacted if they pay alimony or child care. It is a distressing issue for men facing divorce to worry about their livelihoods and how a separation will impact other important aspects of his life. While you are going through a divorce in Sandy, there are several factors of the law that will protect you and your assets as well help you obtain the desired time you want to spend with your children. To make sure you are protected, come to us at CoilLaw, LLC, as your Sandy divorce attorneys for men.

Protecting Your Financial Assets in a Sandy Divorce

Many men struggle with how they are going to manage alimony, child support, and the division of their property, all of which can be especially hard if the man was the primary monetary provider for his home. It can be frustrating to think that your hard-earned possessions and income could be divided, but hiring a legal professional with extensive experience in these areas of divorce will be vital to a favorable outcome.

Alimony refers to court-mandated payments to your spouse. Alimony is intended to help the more financially disadvantaged partner obtain a manageable lifestyle. Alimony is based on three factors: 1) the husband’s ability to pay 2) the wife’s ability to work and 3) her reasonable and necessary need. Alimony payments may last as long as the number of years of the marriage but this has become the unlikely favor.  Remember, alimony is tax deductible to the husband and terminates if the wife remarries, cohabitates and/or dies.

Likewise, child support is a payment determined by the court to assist in the raising of children who are below the age of 18. Child support is determined by a Utah-decided base payment for each child in addition to other considerations such as medical expenses, mental illness, and childcare. Child support is also determined by custody arrangements or literally how many overnights do you have your children per year.

Another financial matter that causes a fair amount of stress for husbands and fathers in a divorce is the division of property, such as a home, retirement account, investment funds, vehicles, and much more. In Utah, which is known as an equitable distribution state, property isn’t necessarily divided evenly, but rather “fairly”, according to the dictates of a judge. Factors that play into the fairness of property division include:

  • Financial needs of both partners
  • How long the marriage lasted
  • Age of both partners
  • Health of both partners
  • Income contributions to the marriage
  • Any prenuptial agreements

All of these financial payments and arrangements brought on by divorce is reason enough to hire a divorce lawyer in Sandy. Alimony payments can be frustrating, as they consume a large portion of your check every month, but there are legal ways you wouldn’t otherwise know that can mitigate this expense. Fathers are generally not opposed to supporting their children, but hiring a lawyer can help them do it as close to their own terms as possible. The factors that go into deciding division of property can be complicated, leaving you with a less desirable outcome unless you have legal counsel. A divorce lawyer is one of the only ways to ensure that your assets will remain protected and required monetary support is aligned with your terms.

Child Custody

There are varying perspectives divorcing fathers take when it comes to custody of their children, but most men still desire some sort of custody rights to have say in how their children are raised. Loving fathers who want to be involved in their children’s lives after a divorce will have a better chance of this if they hire a Sandy divorce attorney, as an attorney will be able to gather evidence for the court that demonstrates the following in their favors:

  • He acts in his children’s best interest and can provide a stable living for them
  • He has had a solid relationship with each of his children before the divorce
  • He has participated in the rearing of the minor children more than just monetarily providing for them

A Divorce Attorney for Men in Sandy

Men have an equally challenging time as anyone else when it comes to feelings of frustration, discouragement, and concern for their financial status after a divorce. To help you achieve the best results and ensure a brighter future, contact me, Jill Coil, at CoilLaw, LLC to represent you in your Utah divorce.


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