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If you’re getting a divorce, and you’ve decided to go to therapy during the divorce process, it’s important that you’re doing what you can to get the most out of therapy. If you’re not in therapy, and you’re getting divorced or newly divorced, we highly encourage you to consider seeking out sessions with a qualified mental health professional. Though nobody dies from divorce itself, the emotions that come with divorce can influence people to go to some pretty dark places and, tragically, some people do decide to take their own lives during the divorce process. 

Ask for Book Recommendations 

Reading personal development books while attending therapy can help you maximize the time you’re spending in therapy. Remember, therapy is supposed to be temporary. It’s not a substitute for a supportive group of friends. Rather, therapy is supposed to give you a space to learn skills to cope with the trauma you’ve endured and maintain yourself and your relationships. Asking your therapist for book recommendations that would be specifically helpful to your situation can help guide the conversation to useful places. Instead of wasting time ranting in therapy, reading personal development books can help you have more productive conversations in therapy. 

Take Notes 

Taking notes in therapy can help you remember insights you’ve had, and assignments your therapist has given you. Many therapists give their clients assignments or homework such as journaling about a specific topic, considering certain things, or meditating on certain subjects. Write these down as soon as possible so you don’t forget. It could also be helpful to  write down thoughts and topics you want to discuss during therapy. Again, this could help you guide the conversation to more productive places during your therapy session. Therapy is expensive, so getting through it at a reasonable pace can help you get save money and improve your mental health. 

Attend a Support Group 

Mental health issues can often feel lonely, especially during the divorce process. Even though the divorce rate hovers around 50% there’s still a huge stigma around divorce. For one reason or another, we as a society haven’t really embraced the reality that people do get divorced. Because of this, many people often feel lonely during the divorce process, especially if all of their friends are happily married. Attending a support group for those who are going through divorce can help you get through the divorce process without feeling as isolated. Sharing your experiences with those who have already been through the process, or are currently going through the divorce process, can be cathartic and healing. You could also benefit from hearing others share their stories of how they made it through the divorce process. 


Journaling is a great idea. But the problem is just that: for many people, it’s only an idea. Putting the idea into practice tends to be a whole other ball game—especially when it comes to something as daunting as journaling. If you’ve ever tried to get into the habit of journaling, you probably know just how difficult it is to consistently journal. It’s a good idea, but hard to stay consistent. Buying your self a nice journal is only the start of it. Setting aside dedicated time to journal is a great way to make sure that you’re able to journal. It’s also a good idea to set a dedicated place for you to journal. For example, if you know that right before bed, you’ve got a few minutes to jot down your thoughts, keeping a journal by your nightstand can help you remember to journal. 

Take Care of Yourself 

We so often tell people that no one dies from divorce. However, while divorce itself cannot kill you, the emotions that come with divorce can lead you to some very dark places. And, unfortunately, some people decide to end their lives during the divorce process. Taking care of yourself can help prevent suicidal ideation, along with other mental health concerns. However, it’s important to take care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Cooking healthy meals and exercising is only the beginning. It’s also a good idea to limit alcohol consumption and abstain from all recreational drugs. When taking care of your mental health, including a licensed mental health professional is always a good idea. 

When You’re Getting Divorced 

Getting your mental health needs met is so important. However, it’s also important for you to have the information you need to protect your rights and get the best outcome possible. If you’re going through a divorce and you need help getting through the process, contact CoilLaw today to set up your initial consultation. 


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