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CoilLaw: Helping Make World Peace, One Divorce at a Time, Since 2015

By January 15, 2020August 1st, 2022Uncategorized

CoilLaw- Helping Make World Peace, One Divorce at a Time, Since 2015

How It Started

As I celebrate the 5-year anniversary of CoilLaw, I reflect upon the things that led to me going from associate attorney to entrepreneur and being managing partner and owner at my own firm. In 2014, I had been working for large, prestigious firms for 7 years, but I didn’t feel I was able to live up to my potential and passion at these places. I was pregnant with my third child and my husband was still in medical school, so needless to say, it was a scary time to start my own business. 

But that only motivated me more to take a risk on myself. I felt like clients, attorneys, and other legal professional employees deserved more than these big firms were able to give. A more personal, caring, individual experience, since clients in family law situations are often when people are at their most vulnerable.

It’s important to me that clients not only get the divorce they hire me for, but to leave the experience with new hope and faith in themselves, new beginnings and self-confidence, even stronger relationships with their children or other relatives, and the peace of mind that we did everything we could for the best outcome for everyone.


As I ponder on the success of CoilLaw, I’m so appreciative for the team of people that have supported and helped me: my husband Ryan, my parents, my executive assistant Sela and the other employees at CoilLaw, and my marketing team Nifty. But I’m most appreciative of you—the clients of CoilLaw. Whether you were taking a risk on using a brand new law firm, or investing in your future by understanding the importance of hiring an attorney and giving me that trust and opportunity to fight for you, I’m in awe at what we’ve been able to achieve together. Here are some highlights of what I’m most proud of over the last half-decade:

  • Winning a case in the Court of Appeals for a client that could not afford representation
  • Bringing a case to the Court of Appeals that had never been addressed regarding more rights for foster and adoptive parents and more accountability from CPS
  • Working several Pro Bono case where I was able to help those in their lowest points who could not afford representation 
  • Representing children as a Guardian ad Litem so that children’s rights and feelings are heard and considered in high-conflict divorces
  • My hard-earned 4.8-star rating on Google and the amazingly kind reviews past clients have left for me
  • Winning a case in the Supreme Court of Utah on a monumental issue affecting case law in Utah
  • Hiring five amazing attorneys who represent and fight hard for Coillaw clients every day

I truly believe that sometimes divorce is the best answer, and I hope to make the world a more peaceful place by helping people in turbulent, abusive, untrustworthy, domestic battlegrounds find freedom and peace. Here’s to the next 5 years.

Getting Help with Your Utah Divorce Case

If you are looking into a divorce and have questions or need legal help, we’re here for you.  You need to ensure you consult with a competent family law attorney that understands the legalities of divorce in Utah and will help put your mind at ease so you don’t get taken advantage of.  At CoilLaw, LLC, Salt Lake City Divorce attorney Jill Coil knows how to advise you during a divorce to help you achieve the best settlement and/or result possible.  At CoilLaw we are ready and available to help you through your legal action. If you need legal advice concerning a Utah family law issue, call Jill Coil at CoilLaw LLC in Utah at (801) 781-5848 today.

For More Information about My Journey:




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